Thursday, June 12

Complacency of Our Police Force?

I know many of you like me that was involved in Mas Selamat manhunt might find this abit too familiar... this is the link if you want to know more - Two re-arrested after trying to escape custody- CNA.

First why do i see that our police force are getting complacent? Had they not learn their mistake when Mas Selamat escaped? I don't want to spend another month of my NS life doing the manhunt again. That period of time despite being unmemorable but i don't want to make want to remember it anyway. It really does burnt out alot of my time and life. 5 weekends burnt plus numerous stayed in.

This week, had some very bad incidents that happened within the SAF. 2 servicemen died. 1 is an army recruit currently having his confinement weeks in Pulau Tekong while the other is a RSAF regular Officer Cadet Trainee in Brunei. I want to send my condolences to both of their grieving families. Both apparently collapsed without warning and couldn't be revived despite being provided with first aid at the very first moment it happened. It does makes me wonder does it have anything to do with the lifestyles we are living now? Because we have such a good standard of living and that a simple change in environment could trigger something drastic to our body. I remember when i was in Taiwan this past April and for the first few days, i couldn't sleep well. Despite the weather being so cooling especially and yet i was sweating buckets and couldn't shit well too. I was bleeding whenever i shit.

I think i better logged off now. My friends are trying to "psycho" me into playing Call of Duty 4 with them again. haha.

Tuesday, June 10

Hi again!!!

Hello all,

i think i missed my usual posting time the past weekend haha, so i guessed i should update it somehow now.

Yesterday, a day after my 22nd birthday i actually went to Orchard for some shopping. This is the first time i did not get what i set out to buy. I was looking for that Topman's Ghostbuster Green Slimer Tee but only left with S or M size on sale. Kinda disappointed because i had even tried on a L size the last time i was there. I should had bought it back then somemore Topman were having a "once in a while" sale. Anyway, i think i will be getting myself a belt soon. Probably from Freshbox in Tampines Mall.


Was wearing the above shirt when i went to Orchard yesterday. It's kinda ironic because of the wording and i just turned 22 recently. Suddenly i felt that i did not really treasure my childhood well but what done is done. Got to look forward to the future, who knows that there might be some exciting adventure waiting for me out there. HAHA...

Anyway, the song playing on this blog is called Pachelbel Mashup by a DJ called Norwegian Recycling. He is a really talented artist doing mashup of some popular song. The song itself here contained 7 songs in 1. Basically he mixed the following:

1. Miliyah Kato - Love Is....
2. Los Pop Tops - Oh Lord, Why Lord
3. Coolio - C U When U Get There
4. Vienna Boys Choir - Pachelbel's Canon In D
5. Grover Washington, Jr. - Aubrey
6. Kanye West feat. John Mayer - Bittersweet Poetry
7. Pet Shop Boys - Go West

into a very good song. Do check him out at this website:

All the songs could be downloaded there either through direct download or torrent format.

With this, i'm going to sign out. Kinda tired already, need to go back to camp tomorrow morning at 7am. Byebye...

Sunday, June 1


Well, tomorrow will be another day and the day ends in 30min time. Last week was probably my most busiest week of all. I guess tomorrow onwards things will start to settle down but from the look of the training programme, i can see alot of trainings start to come up as well. I expect tomorrow to be busy because we might be starting to return alot of stuff to the respective department.

I thinking i'm logging off now. Think the next time i update my blog will be most likely either on my birthday or on the eve of my birthday. Yay!! I'm turning 22 next week. hehehe.