Tuesday, August 15

Happy Belated 41st Birthday Singapore!!!

Last wednesday, 9th August 2006.... we celebrated our nation, 41st birthday. I think i'm the the few lucky guy that went to the parade for both the preview and the actual day celebration. This year celebration was also the last time the national stadium will be used before renovation starts to transform it into a sporting hub. It really brought back great memories of that stadium. I remember first time going into that stadium was the time when the likes of Fandi and Abbas won the Malaysian Cup in either 1993 or 94. I was just in primaryschool back then. I also remember watching my love, Manchester United playing against the S-League All-Star. Who can't forget Fabian Barthez playing a striking role hahaha. I was also involved in the Youth Day duty back when i was in St John Ambulance Bridage. Not to mention, seeing Singapore's captain, Aide, lifted the Tiger Cup after beating Indonesia last year. Indeed this stadium did holds alot of great memories. But there is a saying that if the old don't go, the new won't come. Every new beginning is some beginning's end. hahaha.