Wednesday, May 17

Found God?

Hi all, I suddenly thought of this which i don't mind sharing with you. I was thinking why does god really hated me? Thinking about it throughout the day and throughout the night. He really hates me and doesn't answer my prayers anymore. Out of the sudden, some inside me answer this way. But yeah, just because god doesn't answer my prayers doesn't mean he doesn't care about me. But why didn't he gave me what i wanted? Well god can't just answer every prayers and suddenly give you everything you want, that takes all the living out of life. What you mean? If god answers all our prayers, there will be nothing left to do for ourselves. Life is about problems and overcoming those problems. And growing and learning for those obstacles and if god just fixed everything for us and there will be no point in our existence. I get it now, I got to learn all these on my own. And was overcome with my ego and i let pride get on my good judgement.

Maybe i finally came to accept god? Only time will tell.....