Wednesday, June 14

It's been so long....

Well isn't it long since i had last updated this blog. HAHA, sorry guys i had been busy, very busy. I'm having a new job now and had been really happy with it. The best job i had in my life. Eventhough it's quite busy at times at least it's much better than that faggot Giant cashiering thing.

The world cup had started and the teams that i rooted for won their first matches in group stages of the tournament. Firstly, i got to admit that England really do flop in their first match. Without that own goal, i doubted they could get away with 3 points without that goal. England really lacked ideas and creativities during that match. None of the players were eye-catching during the match as well. I think they got to think twice about their "favourites" tag if they continue to perform like this. The 2nd team i supported is Korea. Yeah, Korean rocks eventhough i missed that match due to work. They cameback from a 1-0 trail to a 2-1 victory. Both goals involved Park Ji-Sung indirectly. As most Man Utd or PSV fans should know, Park is the kind of players that had this great technical abilities but yet they had been overlooked and underrate. The first goal came when Park fell just in front of the 6 yards box from a tackle. Since he was the last man, the referee had no choice but to sent the player that brought down Park off from the 2nd bookable offence. Lee Chun-Soo makes no mistakes when he converts a beckham-style freekick. The 2nd goal was a nice fake by Park himself to let Ahn Jung Hwan, the hero of the 2002 world cup, scored the winning goal for Korea. So Korea is currently top of the table as France drew with Switzerland.

Go Korea!!!!!!!!!!!