Wednesday, April 5

Okay, i'm back to blog another entry into this never-ending blog of mine. I remember i first started blogging, i'm using the free webhosting from netfirm and my first template is a self-created one based on by favourite manga/anime of all times, One Piece. It had indeed came a long way that i have 223 posts now consider that i don't blog everyday.

Anyway, i'm so happy now that i had been given a chance for a potential relationship with her. I don't think i would confess to her just yet as i believe that actions speaked louder than words. I will make her feel good around me, show her that i care about her and hopefully things will happen naturally. I want her to feel my emotions but not just feelings. In fact I want to lay everything out in the open for her. I think i really like her as i had thought through this alot of times. I had put myself on a hypothetical planet and it had the worst surrounding and environment in the world. I imagined that in this place, there is nothing, only her beside me. Eventhough we could only be alive for the next few days, i would be really happy to spend the rest of my life with her. I know you will be reading this, i hoped that you really knew how i feel now.

Ok now into politics, well i really don't give a damn about who will win the upcoming election. I don't mind without PAP retook all the seats again or the oppositions got some margin of victories again PAP. Singapore is a peaceful place and no matter who win, as long as it's still peaceful, i really don't mind. If i can vote, i think i will put a blank vote into the voting box. I think i'll be more interested in foreign politic especially the US. Well I got to admire George Bush as a hardliner against terrorist but it's quite alarming for their narrow view of the world now. They think they are the only superpower in the world and the world only "legal" peacemaker. This is what resulted in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have not learnt their lesson from Vietnam and Somalia still and might be looking for another crushing defeat. I think their view stem from the time just after World War 2 where the world is being divided into Communist Russia and Democratic America. America wants to jump into any chance that will deprofile the Russian and vice versa. This is what they created--------> North and South Korea. They want to stop the communist north vietnam and even supported the corrupted south vietnam during the vietnam which supposed to be a civil war and their foreign intervention makes it all illegal. Their insufficient planning in Somalia caused 19 deaths among them which event even made it into a blockbuster war movie starring Josh Hartnett.

My eyes hurt as i had not sleep yet, going to blog again soon. Byebye