Sunday, April 9


Ryan Cabrera - True

I won't talk
I won't breathe
I won't move till you finally see
That you belong with me

You might think I don't look
But deep inside the corner of my mind
I'm attatched to you

I'm weak, it's true
Cause I'm afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
Cause my heart keeps falling faster

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

You don't know what you do
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move

I'm weak, it's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know you met me?

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

I know when I go
I'll be on my way to you
The way that's true

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

Hi all again, did some minor updates to the blog. I had a radioblog now and those songs on it is for you and i think you know who you are. I gave her a stalk of rose on friday and she was caught off guard i think. She told me that she was shocked as she never thought i would do so. The reason i gave her the rose is because she told me once that she had not recieved any flowers before so this idea just came to my mind. If i could, i would know what Tom Cruise did on Opray Winfrey Show where he jumped up and down portraying his love for Katie Holmes.

Actually speaking of Tom Cruise or rather the creature known as Tom Cruise. The reason i said that is because I really think Scientologist is some childplay. It's funny to see some weird people in this world worship or believed that alien inhabited their bodies since the time of the ancient people. What's even more ironic is that it's founder, L Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer.


"Seventy-five million years ago, Xenu was the ruler of a Galactic Confederacy which consisted of 26 stars and 76 planets including Earth, which was then known as Teegeeack. The planets were overpopulated, each having on average 178 billion people. The Galactic Confederacy's civilization was comparable to our own, with people
"walking around in clothes which looked very remarkably like the clothes they wear this very minute" and using cars, trains and boats looking exactly the same as those "circa 1950, 1960" on Earth. Xenu was about to be deposed from power, so he devised a plot to eliminate the excess population from his dominions. With the assistance of "renegades", he defeated the populace and the "Loyal Officers", a force for good that was opposed to Xenu. Then, with the assistance of psychiatrist, he summoned billions of people to paralyse them with injections of alcohol and alcohol, under the pretense that they were being called for "income tax inspections". The kidnapped populace was loaded into space planes for transport to the site of extermination, the planet of Teegeeack (Earth). The space planes were exact copies of Douglas DC-8 aircraft, "except the DC-8 had fans, propellers on it and the space plane didn't." DC-8s have jet engine not propellers, although Hubbard may have meant the turbine fans.

When the space planes had reached Teegeeack/Earth, the paralysed people were unloaded and stacked around the bases of volcanoes across the planet. Hydrogen bombs were lowered into the volcanoes, and all were detonated simultaneously. Only a few people's physical bodies survived.

The now-disembodied victims' souls, which Hubbard called ''thetans'', were blown into the air by the blast. They were captured by Xenu's forces using an ''"electronic ribbon"'' (which also was a type of standing wave) and sucked into vacuum zonesaround the world. The hundreds of billions of captured thetans were taken to a type of movie theater where they were forced to watch a 3D film|three-D, super colossal motion picture for 36 days. This implanted what Hubbard termed various misleading data (collectively termed the R6 implant implant) into the memories of the hapless thetans, which has to do with God, the Devil, space opera, etcetera. This included all world religions, with Hubbard specifically attributing Roman Catholic Church and the image of the Crucifixion to the influence of Xenu. The interior decoration of all modern theaters is also said by Hubbard to be due to an unconscious recollection of Xenu's implants. The two "implant stations" cited by Hubbard were said to have been located on Hawaii and Las Palmasin the Canary Islands.

In addition to implanting new beliefs in the thetans, the images deprived them of their sense of identity. When the thetans left the projection areas, they started to cluster together in groups of a few thousand, having lost the ability to differentiate between each other. Each cluster of thetans gathered into one of the few remaining bodies that survived the explosion. These became what are known as ''body thetans'', which are said to be still clinging to and adversely affecting everyone except those Scientologists who have performed the necessary steps to remove them."

To be frank, i actually don't quite hated them at all. I just laugh at their belief as this is what matched the term stupid. I believed they used threats too as i can related to a case of a scientologist named Issac Hayes. As most south park fans knew it, Issac Hayes was the voice of the wildly popular character named Chef in the series. It all happened when south park producers' Matt Stone and Trey Parker decided to make fun of the "religion".

However, Hayes quit South Park on March 14, 2006, after voicing the Chef character for nine seasons. His stated reason was that he was angry with the show's take on religion. Hayes quit South Park on March 14, 2006, after voicing the Chef character for nine seasons. His stated reason was that he was angry with the show's take on religion. Critics — including Matt Stone in a statement — charge that Hayes never had any problems with South Park's take on religion, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or Mormonism, until Scientology was criticized in the episode "Trapped in the Closet". In fact - Isaac Hayes's answer to a question on XM radio show "Opie and Anthony" several months ago "How do you feel about Matt and Trey making fun of scientology?" was along the lines of: "I have no problem with it, you have to take everything Matt and Trey say with a grain of salt." This leads to suspicion that Hayes was somehow coerced into quitting.

In the South Park episode "Trapped in the Closet", a satire and exposé of Scientology, Hayes did not appear in his role as Chef. In an interview for The A.V Club on January 4, 2006, Hayes was asked about the episode. Hayes said that he told the creators, "Guys, you have it all wrong. We're not like that. I know that's your thing, but get your information correct, because somebody might believe that shit, you know?" He then told them to take a couple of Scientology courses to understand what they do. He even went on to tell that if anybody take South Park seriously, then he would sell that person the brooklyn bridge for $2.

That is why i believe that scientologist is really but some clown stuff.