Sunday, April 2

Blogging again at this ghostly hour. I had been in a very serious thoughts just now, it's like the ghost from my past came back and haunt me. I was talking regarding the behavior of Valerie's manager just now when suddenly i had thought of my former best friend cum classmates of 4 years. He was Valerie's ex-boyfriend in some sense eventhough she did not admit directly but still it's more of an open secret that everyone knows about. One day, he suddenly deleted me away from his contacts be it MSN or Friendster. I listened to alot of my former classmates that he still believes that i'm the one at fault regarding their relationship. This was obvious in one of his previous updated profile on his friendster with the lines like "G like V but V still don't know. G tells V and V tells H." I know it's quite a vague sentence and i myself do not understand it myself. But i can roughly made out of out what the initials meant. G is him, V is Valerie while H is the initial of my chinese name. Other than that, i really do not know what he meant too. After they broke up, he kept posting remarks aiming to made her guilty. I can't remember what he put but it's not really some nice things in my opinion. This is some opinion that is being shared with my good friend, Vanessa as well. But still i believed it's time to bury the past as someone told me as a man, if you kept thinking of the past, you will not progress into the future and be stuck in the present.

Back to what we were talking before i had that thought, I was telling her that her manager is trying to woo her. In my point of view, a person regardless of how close they are, they should not be phoning her every now and then. He is very interested to know what is she doing, who is she going out with and what is the relationship between her and the godbro. He even insisted on meeting her everytime at night and walk her home before jumping into the cab himself. I had nothing to say but still concluded that he is really trying to jio her. Call me sensitive but this is really what i felt everytime when i was out with her and the phones kept coming. She told me that she had not thought about what she would say if he is to propose to her one day and say that he liked her, i really have this instinct that this is coming sooner than later.

You may ask why am i feeling this? Can say that i'm really down on luck. I do not have the thing called 缘分 to be with her or something. I doubted she will care about me if i told her i like her the next time i met her or something as fate is simply not there at all. Maybe being close friends like what we are now will be the closest we ever get.

Anyway, i had watched Ice Age 2 today. One of the most funniest cartoon i ever watched in recent times and recommended all to watch it.