Monday, February 6

Hi all, i'm here again blogging another issue. Yeah i have a new blogskin. The reason i chose this skin is because i'm really into this song by papa roach. Well i had the lyric out in my earlier post. Basically it's about someone helping his friend that doesn't really wanted his help. I don't really have a reason on why i chose this song just that i like this song.

Friday went for keeptouch lao yu sheng outing 2006. I really enjoyed the outing alot eventhough i'm the last one to reach there at about 8:30pm. But before that i'm not really feeling well. I guessed that i ate too much and drunk too much alcohol the day before my class officially restarted. Time really flies doesn't it, it's already 9th day of the chinese new year and will be ending in another 8 days time after all the hype to the new year.

Recently i also bought another PSP game. It's Taiko no Tatsujin Portable. A psp edition of the popular Taiko Drum Master for Arcade and PS2. It's really addictive but it hurted my eyes alot as it's in 2D and alot of flashy colour but still it's quite nice to play.

Anyway, i think i'm going off.... will blog when i have the time.