Sunday, November 19

These are the days of our lives

Sometimes I get these feelings that i was back to those old days long ago. It felt like when we were kids and were young, things seem so perfect. The days were endless and we were crazy plus the sun is always shining. Virtually, we just lived for fun as the rest of my life is just a show. A person can't turn back the clock and the tide but if given the chance, i would go back and live those roller-coaster riding days again.

No use in sitting and thinking what you did, when you can enjoy it even after your kid is born. Sometimes when i do sit and think about it, i guessed it's best to sit back and enjoy the flow. They've gone with the swiftness of time and they were gone now but some things still remain when i look back.

Those were the days of our lives that bad things were so few. Those days are gone now but one thing's still true when i look and find that I still Love You.