Friday, October 27

Death Note

Since i had been typing some "chim" blog recently, so i had decided to make this blog as "unchim" as possible. I'm downgrading my PSP as i'm typing this blog. Something is wrong with my psp as those games cannot start up so i had decided to upgrade and then downgrade so that it can have a clean firmware now.

I watched Death Note with Pamela today. Actually i don't intended to watch it that fast, i'm thinking of only watching it next week. Well to sum up, Death Note is quite an interesting show. I can't remember who introduced me this manga in the first place. Think should be Rickson or is it Tian shi? lol, i really can't remember it anyway. By the way, the plots centers around a young high school (or college in the movie) student, Light Yagami, who decides to rid the world of evil with the help of supernatural sources.

Light Yagami is a brilliant but bored student who resents crimes and corruptions in the world. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers a mysterious notebook, known as the "Death Note", lying on the ground. The Death Note's instructions claim that, if a human's name is written within it, that person shall die. Light is initially skeptical of the Death Note's genuinity, believing it is just a prank. However, after experimenting with it and killing two criminals, Light is forced to admit the Death Note is real. After meeting with the true owner of the Death Note, a shinigami named Ryuk, Light seeks to become the "God of new world" by passing his judgment on criminals.

Soon, the number of inexplicable deaths of reported criminals catches the attention of the International Police Organization and a mysterious detective known only as "L". L quickly learns that the serial killer, dubbed by the public as "Kira", is located in Japan. L also concludes that Kira can kill a person just by knowing their face and name. Light realises that L will be his greatest nemesis, and a race to prove mental superiority between the two begins.

Anyway, if i knew earlier i should not go at all. After we met up, we did not even say a single word at all. Just hi and bye type. I don't think that we behaves like friends at all. hahahaha