Friday, November 3


I'm currently having a brand new episode of the mental state of mind. I guessed the reason for this new episode is most likely caused by my inconsistent sleeping schedule. I remember my psychiatrist did told me before that too much sleep can lead to depression while too little sleep can lead to can lead to mixed mental states or mania. So i guessed this should be the reason as I'm sleeping too much hahahahahaha. Actually to be frank, the worst thing that could have happened to a person affected by bipolar disorder is suicide. I do not have any suicide thoughts ever as life is really too beautiful to end. How i wished i can stay on living like this forever but death is inevitable. A person will die even heroes with supernatural powers do if they existed outside the books in this world.

I'm really alright today after i watched the "Free Hug Campaign" video on youtube just now. I felt so inspired and happy. This is an act of some one called Juan Mann giving hugs on the street to complete strangers. This act is an example of random act of kindness, a selfless act performed by someone for the sole reason of making others feel better. Well watching him giving him to random people on the street, i suddenly feels really happy as if he came directly from the lcd screen of my laptop and give me a good hug. It puts me in such a nice spirits now that i think i can "conquer" my new episode.

The song that i'm playing on this blog is the same song that is being accompanied by this video. It's played by a Australian band, Sick Puppies who are famous for their 2001 song, Nothing Really Matters.