Saturday, October 7

Thank God I Found You

This is probably the last time in a few months before i can blog another entry here using my laptop.

Firstly, i would really liked to thank god that i found and get to know of someone. Actually to be frank, i don't really believed in Destiny. But i do feel like Destiny is a pre-determined fix-timelined of event that is unchangeable and inevitable. Maybe it's destined that i will get to know her but why am i still want to thank god for this that is already determined? Well, i really do not know the reason why am i doing so. I think i had too much negative things in my life which led me in such state and i always wanted to go back to wherever the first mistakes taken place and correct it but then, if i do so, i might never know how my world is now. Just like if someone managed to go back in time to prevent September 11 attacks or even World War 2 by eliminating both Stalin and Hitler, then i'm afraid that the world might still be sulking over colonisation and a different "World War 2" instead. What really we can do now is looking forward and improve as a person. I am also afraid that i might not know her if i really do had the ability to do so.