Saturday, May 3

Back From Taiwan

sHi all. I'm back from Taiwan for a few days already but i do loved to apologised for the lack of updates after i came back. Basically is because i'm i need these time to recuperate from the trip exhaustion. Alot of things happened in Taiwan, both pleasant and unpleasant but pleasant memories outweighed the negative ones. What happened there can really be written into a storybook/novel haha.

From this trip, those that i know before i got to know them better. Of course, had been new friends and friends turned enemies too and also made new enemies. No mentioning of names as their names will tainted my pleasant blog here. I really want to return to Taiwan soon because i really like there. I like there so much that i'm already planning a holiday trip down after I ORD this December. If really can, I would really loved to go down to 高雄 to look for a girl named 林玲卉。 She is working at one of the shop at 新崛江 called Hip Hop Blog. Given her my msn both emails contact but hopefully she added me soon. I really loved to chat up with her. She told me that she might be interested to visit Singapore, if so... I'll be glad to play host to her. HAHA.

Time in Taiwan especially the last day in Taipei was really insufficient. We did not even managed to visit Shilin Night Market due to only given like 6-7 hours. We ended up at Xi Men Ting. It's a really cool place, this really shown me that Orchard Road is really small compared to other countries shopping district. Xi Men Ting is on my agenda to visit when i go Taiwan again this coming December.

I think some of you might know it if you don't. I'm a self-professed Tee-shirt siao. HAHA below are the showcase of tee-shirts i bought recently.


A BAPE tee-shirt. It's the authentic one too. I think it cost me less than 2000NT. Can't remember the exact price but it's really a good buy considering BAPE cost around $80 and above in Singapore.


Ecko Berms. I got this berms because the berms i bought to there for whatsoever reason got torn. Got it for 980NT.


An unknown brand Black Tee. I got it because i kinda like the design and when i tried it, it really suit me. The sleeve falls in just nice. Got it for 680NT.

I got this shirt together with my Nike Dunk partly because was told by the salesgirl that she would give me further discount if sales goes above 2000NT. It cost 490NT if buy alone. It's an anvil brand if anyone knows what it is.

1 of the 2 shirts i got from Xi Men Ting. It's a BrickBear design. I tried the white colour variant of it but i felt black suits me better. It cost 590NT after discount.


My personal favourite out of all the shirts i got. Basically i really like the wording on it. "When childhood dies, it's corpses is called Adult". Also the first tee-shirt i got in Taiwan. It cost 780NT


A shirt i got from Dreamland Shopping Mall. The reason i got this shirt because of the obscene picture on it. I doubted i might be wearing it at least not without an outer jacket or something hahaha. It's also the most expensive tee-shirt i got @ 1080NT.


Poker design. I like this shirt because it's design is quite unique. It's a Japanese import and one of the shop most hottest selling item at the time. Cost me 780NT.


An original taiwanese design. Basically i felt that white suited the design quite well. It's also one of the newest shirt in the shop and it's on the cover page of one of the fashion magazine. Cost me 800NT.


"Made in Pirates". I got this shirt in the night market. It's the cheapest tee-shirt i got. Cost me only 300NT.


This shirt was not bought in Taiwan but in Far East Plaza. I had been eyeing this shirt even before i went to Taiwan so now i had the sense of satisfaction after i bought it. Cost me $35.

By the way, all the pictures are taken with Nokia N95. I broke the phone in Taiwan and was very sad for the rest of the trip. If i got it with me all the way, i guessed most probably I might be the happiest man on phone. Anyway, i got it fixed already and will take extra care of it now.

Anyway, i will be signing off now as i'm going back to watch Gundam 00. I'm trying to chiong finish season 1 of it before my breaks over. Will be returning to Camp on monday. Now sure why but really felt that it's not really the same again on monday despite going back to "normal life" after what happened during the past 2 months - Taiwan Exercise and Ops Vigilant Lion. I guessed i must resettle back to my "normal life" from monday onwards. Bye Bye, will blog again once i have the time.