Saturday, March 22

How not to name your children

*Listening to: Yael Naim - New Soul

I know it's kinda late now and i need to return to camp tomorrow. But before i sleep, i guess i just blog a short post here.


I got the above picture from an email that someone sent me.

So the picture, so Mr. Suparman named his son, Batman.

Imagine when he grows up, he names his son - Spiderman bin Batman or if he has a daughter, she is being named Wonderwoman binte Batman.

Or you can also imagine this scenario that he is trying to call Singtel.

Singtel: "Hello, Singtel customer service, can i help you?"
Batman: "yeah, my phone got stolen"

Singtel: "Can i have your name please?"
Batman: "Batman."

Singtel: " ... i'm sorry?"
Batman: "Batman. B-a-t-m-a-n..."

Singtel: ".... I appreciated that you hang up if this is a prank call."
Batman: "No no, please don't my name is really Batman. Full name is Batman bin Superman."

I know i sould kinda bad but this is really funny. So the end of the story is do think properly before naming your child. Anyway, this guy reminds me of someone i met at CMPB once. Bring back such memory hahahaha.