Thursday, March 13


*Listening to: Muse - StarLight

The last time i posted here is the day Mas Selamat Kastari escaped from the detention center. Later that night around 3am was activated to help look for the fugitive. Going into my third weekend of this exhaustive search for him. I hoped everything can end soon as i'm really mentally burnt out. What's more, the Taiwan Exercise coming up and i don't think that it will be cancelled though from the looks of it. Soon i might go mad from exhaustion if this really continue. Please God, do help me as I really can't take this anymore and i believed this goes for all the personnels involved in what was believed to be the biggest manhunt in Singapore's history.

Few days ago, I dreamt of someone that i thought i had already given up on her. It's about her that just passed away and lying in the casket with a kind of brown dress with some symbols or designs on it. It was so real and when i woke up suddenly next moment, i had these dried tears around my eyes. Alright first of all, she is not dead yet but i knew she is leading some stressful life now apparently. So the next day i sms her during my lunchbreak to ask her well-being which all indication not that good. She told me she wanna quit her job because she couldn't balance out between work and school. I think you should know who you are and not too sure will you come in and read this, but do take care of yourself. Get enough sleep and drink lots of water because of the weather now as the rainfall had been going on and off. I know that work and studies together will be very stressful, even i'm experiencing it but try your best to cope with it ok?? And if you really had any personal problem please do not keep it to yourself. SMS me or MSN me and believe it, i will be the one to respond to you without fail. Take care ok??

Dear God, the only thing i ask of you now apart from ending all the "Mas Selamat Saga" is to hold and take care of her so i can have a peace of mind as I'm really troubled by that particular dream.

It's March now but it feels like December. The rain had been going on and off for a few days already. March are supposed to be getting warmer instead of raining everyday. Eventhough Singapore only have Dry/Wet season and have rainfall throughout the year but still this should be a record rainfall for the month of march. Maybe the world is changing now? It's still raining in China and it's snowing in the Middle East especially Iran and UAE. Everybody should heard of this 21 December 2012 prediction right? Maybe the world will end even before this date and probably this date is the restart of civilisation and we will go into stone age yet again. Should this happen, maybe the Earth will repair and heal by itself for millions of years.

So whether i die before that date or not, guess i'm only left with 4 years on Earth. I would rather live fast die young instead of worrying about whatever things that going to happen.