I'm back blogging at this very early hours of the day. Well, i'm having a very bad headache again. I do not know why i kept having frequent headache now and then. Probably something to do with with over-stressed. I went to collect my laptop free gifts at Funan IT Mall. As expected, i got the Lexmark All-in-One printer that costs around $300. I was hoping for the Olympus Digicam or the Video Cam. But i was content with the printer as my printer already starting to shows that it's dying. Well in case you people is wondering, of all songs why did i put this as my current song. Here is the lyric:
"信乐团 - 海阔天空
我曾怀疑我 走在沙漠中 从不结果 无论种什么梦
才张开翅膀 风却便沉默 习惯伤痛能不能 算收获
庆幸的是我 一直没回头 终于发现 真的是有绿洲
每把汗流了 生命变的厚重 走出沮丧才看见 新宇宙
海阔天空 在勇敢以后 要拿执着 将命运的所打破
冷漠的人 谢谢你们曾经看轻我 让我不低头 更精采的活
凌晨的窗口 失眠整夜以后 看着黎明 从云里抬起了头
日落是沉潜 日出是成熟 只要是光一定会 灿烂的
海阔天空 在勇敢以后 要拿执着 将命运的所打破
海阔天空 狂风暴雨以后 转过头 对旧心酸一笑而过
最懂我的人 谢谢一路默默的陪着我
让我拥有好故事可以说 看未来 一步步来了"
Well, in all of my life.... i had been look down by alot of people. One of them is my sec school D&T teacher. Well it's hard to think back but i felt that it really thought my some of my hardest lesson in life which i really appreciated it.
"信乐团 - 海阔天空
我曾怀疑我 走在沙漠中 从不结果 无论种什么梦
才张开翅膀 风却便沉默 习惯伤痛能不能 算收获
庆幸的是我 一直没回头 终于发现 真的是有绿洲
每把汗流了 生命变的厚重 走出沮丧才看见 新宇宙
海阔天空 在勇敢以后 要拿执着 将命运的所打破
冷漠的人 谢谢你们曾经看轻我 让我不低头 更精采的活
凌晨的窗口 失眠整夜以后 看着黎明 从云里抬起了头
日落是沉潜 日出是成熟 只要是光一定会 灿烂的
海阔天空 在勇敢以后 要拿执着 将命运的所打破
海阔天空 狂风暴雨以后 转过头 对旧心酸一笑而过
最懂我的人 谢谢一路默默的陪着我
让我拥有好故事可以说 看未来 一步步来了"
Well, in all of my life.... i had been look down by alot of people. One of them is my sec school D&T teacher. Well it's hard to think back but i felt that it really thought my some of my hardest lesson in life which i really appreciated it.
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