Sunday, September 5

As expected, Sir Hendry gave me the unhappy look when i told him that there are 14 cadets from the corp have not hand up the cards. Although I'm meeting them in the evening at 7:30pm, I still got some worries in my mind that some of them will not turn up thus leading more problem to it. I really hoped that they will co-operated with me as I really hoped to settle it by tomorrow. Well the last few days is really stressful for me, I'm so tired by the end of the day that i slept till 1pm on Saturday. Although it's not my record hours in term of sleeping, but still felt refreshed when i woke up. Been listening to this song since just now, it's called 回到过去 by Jay, my idol. Here is the lyrics:

"一盏黄黄旧旧的灯 时间在旁闷不吭声
寂寞下手毫无分寸 不懂得轻重之分
沉默支撑跃过陌生 静静看着凌晨黄昏
你的身影 失去平衡 慢慢下沉
黑暗已在空中盘旋 该往哪我看不见
也许爱在梦的另一端 无法存活在真实的空间
* 想回到过去 试着抱你在怀里
想看你的看的世界 想在你梦的画面
想回到过去 试着让故事继续
分散时间的注意 这次会抱得更紧
这样挽留不知还来不来得及 想回到过去
思绪不断阻挡着回忆播放 盲目的追寻仍然空空荡荡
灰濛濛的夜晚睡意又不知躲到哪去 一转身孤单已躺在身旁
Repeat *
沉默支撑跃过陌生 静静看着凌晨黄昏
你的身影 失去平衡 慢慢下沉 想回到过去"

Great song right, i think so too. Yesterday met a few ex-classmates from Loyang Sec, Fadhila and Rohana on the train. I was surprised that both of them are currently having their education with ITE Bishan because they seem to be those academic inclined and never thought they did not do well in their O Level. Saw Kenny with her gf Kali too but it was earlier that day when i was returning home from school. LYSS 2002 4A1 rules!!!! :D