Thursday, August 5

Yo, i'm typing this out in class now. Just now got my first P.E lesson in this ITE MacPherson. Since there is no lesson now as my VB teacher is at the auditorium which I'm going later at around 2pm. Feeling really sleepy now but having my Jay Zhou cd to accompany for another hour or so. That is when I'll be going home to have a nice sleep. And also National Day is very near at next monday. That means we are just 1 year from the big 40. Tomorrow having celebration in school though.

And also i changed my song to Jay's 七里香. It's currently my favourite song.... Still my wireless still down and already getting fed-up with VRnet already. Been waiting for call-back but still no news from them. This shown that i should not take Singnet 1500 in the first place. Whereas, if i took Starhub MOL 3000 back then, i think i already got a free Ipod already.