Wednesday, July 21

i just realised that i got 2more wisdom tooth coming out. Just last week, i got a major gum discomfort which i thought it's normal ulcer which and most probably it's not. Since the pain subsidised already and i was able to touch it and i felt like there is a hard feeling at the sore area. One more is on the upper jaw. Together i'm havin 5 Wisdom Tooths. I wondered that is a good sign or bad. That probably something that show that i'm getting wiser. Anyway, today reached school slightly late since it's raining heavily and the traffic is slow moving. But not that late as when i reached there, only a few of them are in class. At least, I'm not the latest. Well, during Com Skill class, the lecturer actually shown 3 video clips regarding racial harmony and consequences if it is not upholded. Since, different racial groups are very sensitive in term of religion. But Singapore, to me are doing a good job already. Kudos to Mr.Lee Kuan Yew for his sacrifice in building a nation where once being a 3rd World Country which was plagued by violence over religion and terrorism from the "Indonesian Confrontasi" to the wealthy South East Asia country to what we see today.
Anyway, when having break during our VB lesson at I-Net Cafe. Suddenly the president of the SC called me out as there were rumours floating around that only 1 from the 3 person including me that went for the interview on Friday were selected. Although i won't say that is me but Lucas actually believed that it was me since i was sitting there with the other 2 classmates. And Lucas and Laiman is actually sitting just behind me instead. Well i would hoped that i was selected as I really wanted to try out this thing as I had never done it before so far in my life. "Life Is a Learning Journey" where there is so much things to learn and is never enough for a average human lifespan of 70years. With this, I'm going to sleep and would wished all a Good Night.