Sunday, May 25


listening to: Air Supply - Goodbye

hey all, guess that i had been posting on saturday for the past few weeks that i think i felt strange when posting this now haha. It's 11pm as on my computer clock, and in another hour time, it will be another day. Another day of blues for the rest of the week. Speaking of computer:


This is my new laptop @ work. My little white devil, the Acer Aspire 4920G. It's really a very sleek looking laptop and i did not regret spending about $1900 for it. It cost around $1700 and i paid abit more for the extended warranty from Best Denki. Speaking of Best Denki, well eventhough i did not regret buying this computer but i regretted buying from Best Denki. As posted before, i was told to collect this computer on tuesday, 20 May 2008. Due to work commitment, i only reached there about 1845hours. When i reached there, the sales person was not in sighted so i ended looking around for awhile. After like 5 minutes later, he appeared. I show him my invoice and told him about collecting it etc. The first thing he asked me is whether had anyone called me. I told him "No" and so he insisted that the stock had not arrived yet. But i continue to persist claiming his colleague told me the stock would arrived on that day, so he got no choice but to go in and check. And guess what, 5 minutes later he brought the laptop out from the stores. Well if i had persisted, i guess this laptop will be staying inside their storeroom. I think for this attitude is because that Best Denki's workers are all paid in commission, and since my laptop is not sold by this guy, he did not really want to serve me.

Saturday was the most stupidest day ever. I was told to report back to camp by 8am in the morning but in less than 2 hours, i was told to pack up and book out. Wasted my time as it could be spend more on sleeping, wasted my energy waking up and wasted my money on bus fare and the packet of breakfast.

Oh ya, Manchester United are the King of Europe again. They won the UEFA Champions League 07/08 on 6-5 Penalty shootout after a draw of 1-1 after Extra Time. It's a very fortunate "accident" and a cruel twist of fate for Chelsea. Cristiano Ronaldo missed the 3rd Man Utd penalty and John Terry missed in what could had been Chelsea winning goal. Of course, the television shown JT being inconsolable after the match but what to do, this is soccer and the ball is round, anything could had happened. I think i had made my mind known long time ago and i should post it out again here. A team that got successful because of money is not deserving of any trophies. Success should be bought with hard work and a little bit of luck. Anyway,


With this, signed out!!!