Wednesday, September 21

Hi all, i'm back after almost 2 weeks. Well i had been busy with school work and stuff and i just managed to find time to blog now. Alot of events happened this few days which i going to share a few of it.

Last saturday, it's Katherine's 21st Birthday. Went to her chalet, chat with her awhile before leaving the place to meet someone at Orchard. Katherine, sweet as usual but too bad i believed that she is too mature for me and what's more. She is attached and in a relationship now HAHAHAHA.

On Monday, school as usual in the morning. Quan Quan's test is quite easy. Mr. Yah's PCP lesson is for gaming and crapping. Ajay class, the most sian of all. Finally all ends at 4:30am. Then i took bus 65 back to Tampines Interchange to meet up with HER and Vanessa. We met up for a movie called Hinokio at Tampines Mall. I really do like the movie, it's quite touching about a boy who rejected society after his mother's death and blamed his father for it as his parent had a quarrel prior to the car accident. After a year passed yet, the boy, Satoru, still can't forgive his father. His father, who did not want him to miss out school built him a robot that was dubbed "Hinokio" by his new classmates so that he can continue with his school life. With Hinokio, he was able to experience the real world and found his first love. However, whatever he experienced were just stimulation and he had to go out to face reality himself. Hinokio also managed to help him reconciled with his father in the end. I would wished that the writers keep the plot simple and sweet so that they focussed more on Satoru/Hinokio arc instead of having subplot the virtual gaming world called "Purgatory" which it's not explained clearly especially the part on how Kenta was quitted his addiction to the game. Another plot which sees the crush that Sumire had for Jun without knowing the latter is a female had not been well explained too. I would give it 3 out of 5 instead.

After that, we had a meal and chat at some stone chair behind Pavilion which next to KFC. After awhile, i felt something amiss when some police car kept turning in again and again. When i turned really uneasy was when a man came suddenly and standing beside me and smiled to me. Which i promptly asked the girls to leave. Vanessa said that she had heard the man told some malay guys to leave the area. Not sure who is he but i had this feeling that he might be a plain-clothed police undercover as he looked "big" in his jacket which i felt it's quite impossible. However, it could be vice versa too probably he was the one that was rousing the police suspicion.

It's coming to an end to Semester 3 very soon. Time really flies very fast. Soon Semester 4 which will be the final semester for my ITE school life. I hoped that i will not need to attend ITE anymore in order to have a chance to pursue my Poly ambition. Anyway, it's getting late. I think i had to go get some sleep as i had a 11am class later. Will blog again soon (hopefully).