Tuesday, May 17

It's almost 3:30am and i'm here blogging. Well, i think i had caught back my old habit of sleeping very late since for the last few weeks i'm having quite a "normal" sleeping hours from 11pm - 7am. Am i feeling sleepy now? i would say kind of but however do not want to sleep yet. My ipod had just given me problem as it refused to be recognised by the itunes but however it had been solved and i'm transferring the 560songs onto it. It's almost 2.66GB of songs onto the 4GB ipod mini. Anyway, been playing alot of Football Manager 2005 of recent with my favourite, Manchester United. Currently top of the league in season 1 with 15games played only. Also, Malcolm Glazer seizes control of Manchester United. It's this the beginning of the end? I hoped not but it seem so as there is almost 245m debted to Man Utd assets from the more than 700m takeover from the Glazer Foundation. Like what i said before, as long as he can bring out brings the best out of Man Utd again to take back the title of the fake champion, Chelsea, i'm in for it. But my heart and feelings is still with Sharesholder United and will support their fight against them if Glazer turns the club into the negative direction like what maybe they are facing now.

Anyway, monday afternoon went with sis to Jack's Place. I would say eventhough it's just a small piece of steak and a potato, i had difficulty walking because i'm simply too full from the eating. And helped sis bought the Amityville Horror tickets since she is below 16 and not eglible to buy the NC16 tickets. Before meeting her friend, i went into Laser Flair shop at century square 3rd level. I can say that i was being electrically shocked by one of the sales person there. She is a type that is not in the "chio" category but rather in the "cute" category instead. She is quite plump but pleasant looking and found out her name is Yvonne. LOL.... like as if i going to know her myself and get her number like this. After that meeting my sis's friend, Evangeline. She had claimed that this Evangeline was good looking etc.... but after i see, i felt she is just average looking. Did not see anything special and she is shorter than sis... LOL...

After that, i went home only to know that sis had a very bad quarrel with my mum in the morning. My mom insisted she stayed home as she will be having her O's in the end of the year and had been going out too much recently. No wonder, during meal sis claimed that mum doted me more which raised my eyebrown. Sis got a so call lecture from me at Jack's because my mum doted her more than me. But come to think of it, i felt mum had treated us very equally. Always caring about our well-being and trying to give whatever we wanted even it would make it very difficult for her to live her life. I knew about this that is why i'm abit angry about what my sis scolded my mum for. And they were not talking since the quarrel which is very sad to see that.... Anyway, it's not surprising to see such behavior from sis as she is still undergoing puberty and had this rebellious behavior which i believed i had too last time....