Monday, June 21

Yeah, i'm back online just after a week. Well i did not change my pc but rather replacing my hdd. Anyway, i think expected to update this blog almost daily from today onwards. Well last week got alot of activities going on which are too much to list down everyone of it. Anyway my feelings currently are described as the following:

安静- 周杰伦

睡着的大提琴 安静的旧旧的
我懂我也知道 你没有舍不得
牵着你陪着我 也只是曾经
你要我说多难堪 我根本不想分开
我没有这种天份 包容你也接受他
不用担心的太多 我会一直好好过
你已经远远离开 我也会慢慢走开
我真的没有天份 安静的没这么快
我会学着放弃你 是因为我太爱你"

And i also decided to change this blog song back to 周杰伦. He is my favourite artist. Anyway, later England vs Croatia in the final group B game. England will win. Wayne Rooney will show his magic again :D