Sunday, July 22

New Blog Skin

I finally found some time to update my blog for abit. I think i had come close to not updating it at all but i guess this blog shall be kept going again. hahaha

I think i felt that i had changed alot for this year. I had been very gloomy and moody for prolly 1 month or so already. My mood are easily swayed for the better or worse with simple simple things. I hated to admit but i felt that I'm getting really mentally unstable. I don't need anything for now. I don't need new gadgets, I don't need retail therapy and I also don't need a girlfriend. What I really need now is a peace of mind. I'm too tired to fight with my inner demons already. I want to give up everything that i stand for. I really felt that my other persona is taking over me and eating away my personalities. That is why i always feel sorrow for mankind's chances to survive if everyone is the same as me. Nothing good will happened if i continue to do so, i guess i must continue to fight eventhough it's an "endless war".

That's enough of my current thinking for now. Time to talk abit about my work. Recently, I had one of the most enjoyable time in my army life. That is the 100km route march around Singapore. It's tiring especially we must walk all around Singapore, whereby the furthest point being Jurong Birdpark area. But still it was fun and but tiring. When everybody reached the finish point at Labrador Park, almost all were feeling half-dead but still shown SHEER WILL in the advance in conquering this route march.

Till next time, not sure when i have the time to update this blog again. But rest-assured that i will not let this blog died out.