Saturday, August 13

It all happens that day.....

One morning came and it was decided,
At day break my fate wasn't mine,
That dawn with tears inside,
Burning my heart and ripping at my soul,
Because my fear was strong,
Yet I hardly knew the difference,
I only went along with what I was told,
I hardly knew the difference.

Now with sweet eyes that stare lovingly,
I can hardly breath with this sharp pain on the inside,
Like eyes deep and dark as my wife's,
The hardest pain my heart can endure,
No regrets consume me like a passionately burning flame,
Eating the wick,
Burning it to the wax,
My soul is shriveling up.

While her smile gives me hope,
I die as well,
I cannot express these emotions so deep inside,
Her shadow is like that bloody angel on Hell's day,
With fiery gates opened wide when my sword went through her frail body,
In the soundless darkness that enveloped me there,
In the shadow of our home,
It's what I fear that keeps me here without the slightest motivation,
To tell Kaoru what I feel.

She stirrs in her sheets,
Softly breathing,
The sound reminds me of how I've been alone until now,
How my soul has been numb until now,
Since my wife's blood ran down my flesh,
My arm,
And I realized,
With that paralyzing stab of recognition,
That I'd killed the only life that meant anything to me.

My hands held a blade that did the same it did to her,
To thousands,
And adding a sweet soul,
With such purity,
Would be killing them all,
A hundred times over,
And so I stand,
Here in my thoughts and I remember the day it was decided,
The day I left it all behind,
As I watch her skeeo and look as innocent as a child.

That day I made sure I could never love anyone,
That I could never say a word of it,
That deep inside this hollow shell,
Underneath the sweet rurouni smile,
Of torment and sorrow,
Is a sweet love threatening to weaken my understanding,
That could make my lips utter,
Those few words that would seal the fate of all I hold dear,
And could make them do more,
As I held her close,
But I cover it up,
With overlapping numbness and false smiles,
Just to rid of the pain,
And the love inside that.