Tuesday, May 11

Just came back from work...finally last day of work... actually i wanted to hang on till next month then stop but in the end, stop early due to me not be able to settle well into the surrounding and also a farking colleague of mine make the matter worst. But it is all over, now i will start a new round of job hunting hoping to get a job before school start. I going to ITE MacPherson tomorrow to get the document for the NS enlistment. What to do when you are a singaporean where there is compulsory national service for all able-bodied male at the age of 18. I got a friend already in as he went for early enlistment and another going in on 23 June 2004. Another i changed my song to "My Band" by D-12. The band that consist of the most popular rapper in the world, Eminem but he was just a rapper in the group not even the leader as he only performed in certain song instead of all. Other then Eminem, i liked Bizarre. The biggest member of the group quite a cute character while the rest like Swift, Kon Artis, Kurniva and founder, Proof are cool too. I heard that they had a member called Bugz being murdered back in 2001. All of them had "Bugz" tattoo on their forearm to remember him. Anyway, must sleep, really tired :P