Saturday, May 1

We are living in a very unstable world today. Whenever i flipped open the newspaper or on the TV, there are reports of war here and there. There are fighting in Indonesia, there are fighting in Southern Thailand, there are fighting between the Israelis and Palestinian and Iraq. Sometimes i felt myself as the most luckiest person in the world where there are not much thing to worry about. Don't need to worry about mother nature as Singapore do not have any volcano as well as far away from crustal belt where earthquake usually happens. But why there is alot of people say that life sucks!!! I'm kinda pissed on hear people living in Singapore that life suck. Yap, i agreed that standard of living is very stressful where almost everything is controlled by the government and also having the toughest law being governed in Singapore. And also it's not repressive like those in former Saddam Hussein regime as well as currently in North Korea. But at least, the living conditions under the world most evil man, Adolf Hitler is not that repressive as these 2 countries experiences. When the wall street crashes in 1928, since German mainly depend on foreign markets with it's rejuvenated economic changes under Gustav Stresemann, the country was deeply affected by it and many lost their jobs with the rose of unemployed from 1.8 millions in 1928 to 6millions in 1933. It was the new Chancellor, Adolf Hitler that revived the economy by gearing it towards war illegally. I do not know why they branded him as "The World Most Evil Man". I'm very awared that he was responsible for some purge such as "The Night of Long Knives" as Hitler acted along with some rumours of Sturm Abteilung (SA), the organisation that Hitler depended to protect the Nazi meetings and disrupted it's opposition which made it almost like a private army, that they were really to launch a revolt against the Nazi in which 150-200 members of SA were shot and also the oppression against the Jews which led to Holocaust discovered only after the War. But that doesn't meant he was the evil person. Speaking of Evil, i would say that the most evil and baddest would be Joseph Stalin of Communist Russia. He was ruthless and does not hesitated to kill when he felt there is a need to do so. And also cannot really blamed Hitler for starting the war. The start of war was due to the bad judgement and decision by Britian and France. They followed the policy of appeasement where they gave Hitler anything he demanded hoping to pacify him. If he was refused on something back then, maybe we may study a different history now. Hitler also came close to being non-existance when his mother wanted abortion when having him in the womb. But was talked by her doctor in keeping him. If Hitler never start the war, probably Stalin would. Back to my life now, anyway I'm turning 18 in another 40days. YEAH.... Finally i going to past my teenage years already and going out as a young adult. Teenage years is really fun and i felt that i got a privilege to study at Loyang Secondary School and joined the St.John Ambulance Bridage organisation as these 2 things really makes my teenage years fun and full of memories whether it's good or bad. And also friends that are always there whether it's for crapping or serious. Some of them I not really in contact with them already while some are still in contact and make us even more closer to each other. On 8th June 2004, I'm must learn myself to be more matured. No more fun days and whatsoever