Sunday, October 12

With You

Hey all, i just came back and all i can say that it's a wonderful day for me. Went chalet and before that spend a great deal of time with her. I really like that feeling and i felt that I'm falling deeper and deeper for her. If i can and she is willing, i would really love to confirm her as my wife. But too bad that both of us are not ready for marriage yet. Maybe this will be our "long term project" to get married since her parent likes me and my mum is quite interested in her. HAHA

Due to my family latest interests in Tennis, i really tempted to get myself a tennis racket but then i'm just a social player and tennis is not really one of my favourite sports. I preferred more of soccer and running plus some other cardiac works such as skipping rope or a light gym work. So in the end, i decided against getting a racket. This is also due that i wanted to save up some money up so i can get something else that will be more suitable for part and parcel of my daily life be that a new pair of shoes, a new earphone for my ipod or even some clothes.

Recently i started playing my long neglected PSP again due to Star Wars The Force Unleased game. It's really a good PSP game in the vein of Devil May Cry, God of War and Heavenly Swords where you are required to perform a certain sets of buttons before you can finish off the bosses of the game. Do check it out because it's really good. Speaking of games, i'm quite interested in getting Xbox360 over PS3. I never thought i could ever be interested in Xbox360 before but their recent lineups are really good. I'm a great Sony Playstation fanboy but i got to admit that Playstation brand need an immediate remedy if they ever want to catch up with Wii while avoiding losing more grounds to Xbox360.

For those of you wondering why did i embed a video at the top. Well after what happened today of both me and her, i felt the song is the most suiting. And that is the reason why i like this song so much.

Anyway, i think i'm getting sleepy. Will update again when i have the time. Goodnight to all.