Monday, August 6

Mika is the Second Coming of Freddie Mercury

I think few months ago i heard of a singer called Mika, who is a Lebanese-born, British-raised singer. At first, i really thought that the song "Grace Kelly" is a new "unreleased" song by Freddie Mercury or Queen but later, i found out it's not the case.

The song is catchy and instantly likable. By the second verse I was struck by how much Mika sounded like Freddie Mercury. He’s got some similar vocal stylings, and (I think, though I’m a total layman in these matters) a similar range. Plus, they’re both skinny, fey, British dudes with a, uh, apparent flair for theatricality. Of course, the song’s lyrics include a reference to trying a “a little Freddie”. Mika seems to be a legitimately talented musician, as he attended the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle, Westminster School and the Royal College of Music (he dropped out to record an album). I also watched a piano-only version on Jools Holland’s show, and, barring real-time, auto-magical pitch adjusters and the like, his skills seem to be all natural.

So is he a "new Freddie"? even Brian May (former Queen guitarist) sounded his approval after his fans introduced him. According to reports, Brian May even went up to criticise various websites who gave Mika a bad review on his album, Life in Cartoon Motion. Personally I had bought that album, really a great album though. It really felt like Freddie Mercury singing in a different genre. Below are a few of his videos. Go listen and decide for yourselves.